Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-06-27

Hurry- only 8 spots left! Cooking healthy nutritious balanced meals for your DOG! # Welcome to my new patients Mylo, Leo and Dexter! Thank your guardians for choosing integrative health care for you. # Happy #woofwednesday to all my canine friends! #

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Workshop: Cooking for your dog

There is great upcoming opportunity available, but only to the first 12 people to respond! Hilary Watson, veterinary nutritionist, and Janet Craig, a licensed chef, are offering Canine Culinary 101, a workshop to train owners how to prepare home-cooked dog food recipes safely and in bulk using a community kitchen.

Normally these classes cost $55 […]

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-06-20

Canine acupuncture in the news #

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-06-13

Looking for a holistic vet near you? # Looking for a holistic vet nea # Please stop sending pet hair in for oil spill boom construction – it's not working out # Welcome to new patients Jazz, Timbit, Cedar and Sydney. Kudos to guardians who choose integrative preventive health care # […]

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-06-06

Please sponsor me in the Ride for Heart Toronto 2010 – via @addthis #

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-05-30

Learning a lot at an advanced veterinary herbal medicine course; picking up lots of acupuncture tips too! # There is still room in the early cancer detection screening study- for more info see # Welcome to new patients Hallie, Barney, Amy and Teddy! Thank your guardians for choosing integrative medicine for you […]

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-05-16

Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine are making the headlines. News, articles, research and studies here!: via @addthis # #meowmonday purrs to all my feline friends #

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-05-09

caution- toxic levels of vitamin D apparantly found in Nutro cat food # and a wheat-free dog cookie recipe too! # #cincodemayo make these dog cookies in fiesta shapes and celebrate with your pet #

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