
Dr. Sherebrin practices Veterinary Integrative Medicine: the combination of Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine (TCVM) with the most up-to-date techniques available to conventional veterinarians. Correcting the imbalances of the body through Chinese medicine allows the animal to heal itself. As a practitioner able to bridge the mental gap between Eastern and Western medicine, Dr. Sherebrin finds that combining the two brings better results than either one alone.
The philosophy and practice of Veterinary Integrative Medicine and TCVM are consistent with the most significant developments in veterinary health care today:

  • emphasizing regular examinations and preventive care;
  • less-invasive or non-invasive approaches;
  • balancing environmental, physical, emotional and spiritual factors in health,
  • focusing on the cause as well as the symptoms, and
  • the role of the veterinarian as a partner to the patient’s guardian, facilitating the pet’s health and well-being.

The primary goal of treatment is to restore homeostasis (balance and harmony) to the animal permitting it to heal in a physical, mental, emotional, and energetic way.
When the animal’s body processes, emotional condition, spiritual state and energy flow is in balance, they feel good and they help us feel good too.

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