Integrative Medicine

“It does not matter whether medicine is old or new, so long as it brings about a cure. It matters not whether theories be eastern or western, so long as they prove to be True.”

– Jen Hsou Lin, D.V.M., Ph.D.

“Generally, the goals of Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine (TCVM) and Western Veterinary Medicine (WVM) are the same, both hope to promote health and to prevent disease. They are merely two different ways of viewing the world, and each system has its own strengths and weaknesses. Western medicine deals well with acute diseases and can utilize advanced surgical techniques. TCVM can be beneficial for chronic diseases, especially those that Western medicine can only partially control, but not cure…through integration of the two systems, one may take advantage of the strengths of each, while minimizing the weaknesses.”

– Huisheng Xie, DVM, Ph.D., MS, Chi Institute of Chinese Medicine

Veterinary integrative medicine is the combination of Traditional Chinese Medicine with the most up-to-date techniques available to conventional veterinarians. Eliminating symptoms is the goal of Western medicine when a definitive injury or disease cannot be identified. Correcting the imbalances of the body through Chinese medicine allows the animal to heal itself. As a practitioner able to bridge the mental gap between Eastern and Western medicine, Dr. Sherebrin finds that combining the two brings better results than either one alone.