Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-03-20

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-03-13

  • Sorry-link for fundraiser is #
  • Canine Wellness centre fundraiser rehab-for-rescues #

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-03-06

  • Two dogs dead, one injured after electrocution in the city's east end /via @globeandm #
  • Condolences to the families of the 2 dogs killed by stray voltage, and speedy recovery to the police officer injured.Avoid wet hydro plates #
  • Last appointment of the day: mini poodle who was paralyzed 3 weeks ago, walking after 4th acupuncture treatment, continues to improve! #
  • Great online intro to Veterinary Acupuncture before taking the full AVAC/IVAS course in Toronto #
  • Happy #Fursday Welcome new patients Bosley, Bear, Sherman and Claude. Give your guardians a sloppy kiss for choosing integrative medicine. #
  • I just got a referral of a cat with #epilepsy I wilk likely use a combo of #diet #acupuncture #herbs #
  • Great book review of The Complete Guide to Holistic Cat Care Suggested reading for BOTH vets and cat guardians #
  • Just submitted an article to Pets Magazine on natural topical skin therapy. I'll post when it's published #
  • Veterinary Acupuncture Course info and registration #
  • Registration now open for the Canadian Basic Veterinary Acupuncture course. Don't miss the early registration discounts! #

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Study to explore lifelong health of Golden Retrievers

I was very excited to learn about this groundbreaking long-term study. It is unique in the collaboration of a very diverse group of company sponsors, and I believe it is is the first comprehensive longitudinal study in dogs. Similar studies in people, such as the Nurse’s Health Study, have revealed very important results that are used today in health maintenance, as well as providing directions for future research.

This long-term study will follow 2,500 Golden retrievers through their lifetimes to learn more about the nutritional, environmental and genetic facts that influence the development of cancer in this breed. Learn more by watching these videos.

What causes shaky legs?

I recently had a question about what can cause shaking, especially in the legs of an older dog.  The most common cause of shaking legs in the young dog that I see is fear- these are dogs that do not want to be in the examination room! But for the older dog shaking at home, muscle weakness is often the root cause. Several systemic illnesses can result in muscle weakness. Kidney disease often causes loss of muscle tissue as well as imbalances in the electrolytes, various minerals that are essential for muscle function. Adrenal gland disease can also cause muscle loss and electrolyte imbalances. Cancer must always be on the list as well, due to the unpredictable nature of the disease. Systemic disorders are diagnosed with blood and urine testing, sometimes x-rays and ultrasound as well, usually on an outpatient basis. Therapy can include dietary modifications, mineral supplementation and physical therapy, as well as medications where needed.

Pain from arthritis is an often unrecognized factor in shaky legs and muscle weakness. When it is more difficult to get up and move, your pet exercises less, and muscles gradually atrophy. While leg joints such as hips, knees and elbows are often affected, don’t forget all the joints in the back. As many of us know, when the back hurts, everything hurts.

Acupuncture and cold-laser therapy are the basic tools that I utilize for my patiens with arthritis. Prolotherapy and stem cell therapy very successful, but are more “invasive” interventions, and must be done with sedation or anesthesia, so are not suitable for all pets. Massage is wonderful because it is usually available from travelling therapists who will come to your home. Some massage techniques are also very easy to learn to do yourself, and are a special close bonding experience for you and your dog or cat. Herbal and nutritional interventions such as high levels of omega-3’s from fish oil, green-lipped muscle extract, cucurmin (turmeric extract), MSM, glucosamine etc. can be very effective in reducing the pain and mobility restrictions of arthritis. Physical therapy is also a very valuable part of a multi-modal approach to arthritis, to help strengthen muscles and the tissues that support the joints.

For more on integrative arthritis care, please read “Arthritis Therapy: Integrative Approach”

Cold weather exercise tips

As the weather gets colder, don’t shortchange your pets’ exercise needs. Smaller dogs and cats are happy to play fetch or chase inside the house, and up and down stairs if you have them. Spread meals or treats out in different rooms to make dinner or snack time it into a “hunting” game. With larger dogs, use “sit” command followed by luring with a toy or treat into a stand, called a “sit-to-stand” exercise; repeat 10-20 times for fit dogs, 5-10 times for old or arthritic dogs.  Next do a “sit-to-beg”, exercising both thighs and balance! If you are lucky enough to have an indoor play facility or swim facility in your town, those are also very useful. Enroll your dog in agility classes or Rally-o; many local clubs exist that meet regularly.

Protect tender toes from ice and snow with neoprene, leather or fleece booties- many styles are available. Various jackets are available for short-coated dogs to help keep their core temperature stable. Older pets and very young puppies are most at risk for cold exposure, as they may not be able to regulate tehir body temperature well. Make sure you check regularly for signs of overexposure when outdoors with your pets such as whining, shivering, or loss of interest in play activities. It is better to get indoors well before any chance of frostbite can occur!

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-11-07

  • Psychoactive drugs for dogs and cats? Tonight on CBC at 9pm: Pet Pharm – Doc Zone | CBC-TV via @AddThis #
  • Welcome to new patients Buddy, Buster, Kyia, and Jobie. Thank your guardians for choosing integrative medicine to keep you healthy. #

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-10-24

  • This will be premiering Nov. 4th. Should spark some healthy debate. #
  • studying hard for the Veterinary Botanical Medicine exam tonight, and looking forward to learning lots at the AHVMA con… #

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-08-29

  • Myth-Busting: Pet Dangers – ABC News via @AddThis #
  • working on a second article for Canadian Vet magazine. Look for the first in the September/October issue coming soon! #
  • I've been treating degenerative myelopathy, cancer, arthritis, IBD, allergies, heart disease, asthma…Acupuncture- for pain and much more #
  • Welcome to new patients Ebony, Oliver, Sunshine, Skye, Buddy, Tara, Maramlade, Grady and Irish! Healing pets with integrative medicine. #
  • Examining acupuncture, one needle at a time (via @globeandmail) #

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-08-08

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