Arthritis therapy: Integrative approach

Many patients I see suffer from joint pain, loss of mobility, stiffness, and decreased quality of life due to degenerative joint diseases such as arthritis. A multimodal approach is required for this very challenging condition. Usually an increase in mobility, a decrease in pain and a much better quality of life results. Key modalities are diet, acupuncture, cold-laser therapy, herbal supplements, nutraceuticals, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and non-sedating narcotics. Physical therapy is helpful for improving mobility and building back muscle strength lost due to inactivity. For the very difficult cases, nerve-pain drugs such as Amantadine and Gabapentin are added. Surgery is needed when there is significant joint instability, bone chips in the joint space or for hip replacement. […]

Her philosophy is refreshing

Rona has on more than on occasion impressed us with the level of care she has provided for our pets. She has made herself available at times when I wouldn’t expect a response from any other vet. Her philosophy is refreshing I appreciate the way that she always personalizes her advice to each individual. I […]

What about herbs, supplements and massage?

Sometimes the use of botanicals (herbal medicines) supports the acupuncture treatment. The veterinarian trained in TCVM may supplement, or even replace acupuncture treatments with botanical therapy. Herbs are often used in situations that have not responded to conventional veterinary medical interventions. Supplements provide higher levels of nutrients that are found naturally in food, but which […]

Prebiotics, Probiotics, Antibiotics: What’s Bugging You?

It seems like all you hear about these days is prebiotics and probiotics. Television advertisements, food and drink packaging, supplements, all proclaiming that they are extra special because they contain prebiotics or probiotics or both.


Ask Dr. Sherebrin: Integrative approaches to common pet health issues

Please send me questions or topics that you want an integrative or tcvm approach to….Dr.Sherebrin at